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Draft measurement methods for piek noise during loading and unloading (2018 update)

thursday, 13 September 2018

In the past few months we have been working on an update of the Piek-Keur measurement methods, the Concept of Measurement methods for peak noise during loading and unloading (update 2018) has been achieved.

The modifications in this proposal relate in particular to the measurements of the drive noise and the worst case.
The current measuring methods for the drive noise are already almost 20 years old and need an update. With this update, a connection with the EU type approval for trucks is made.

In addition to the changes to the driving noise, a number of modifications have been included that apply to all measurements. For example the measuring environment is better described and it is proposed to adjust the rounding of the measured value.

All significant changes compared to the measurement protocol from 2015 are highlighted in yellow.

The Piek-Keur Board of Experts will issue an advice to the Piek-Keur Board in the autumn of 2018 about the content and the effective date of the proposal.

Draft measurement methods for piek noise during loading and unloading (2018 update)