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Refrigeration announcement

1. Based on the input received on the meeting with the suppliers of refrigeration-units on 21 September 2011 the PIEK-board has decided that PIEK-certification in the future will be limited to units which stay within the 60dB(A)-limit without manual intervention.

2. We will not prescribe any specification regarding the cooling-capacity. PIEK is al about the prevention of noise, and the capacity-issue is and stays a responsibility of both the manufacturer and their customers for their specific needs.

3. The measure as stated under point 1 is expected to go into force for newly certified equipment on 1 July 2012, and for equipment already certified on 1 January 2013. For existing units (so the units which have been sold in the past) there will be no effect from this new protocol.

4. The definition of the measure as stated under point 1 will be further discussed with the Advisory board. This will focus on the exact definition and further details. This will be incorporated in the revision of the TNO testingprotocol.

5. On 15 December 2010 the Advisory Board has decided that the whole of a refrigeration-unit has to be tested to receive certification. This means that for refrigeration-units powered by a separate generator the combination of both generator and cooling unit has to be tested in order to obtain a PIEK-certificate. For equipment already certified this will go into force on 1 July 2012.

Organisation Country City
Carrier Transicold Netherlands B.V. Rotterdam
Thermo King Transportkoeling b.v. Rotterdam